Posted On December 2, 2010
Growlers — 64-ounce glass vessels that look like a moonshine jug — have become the beer accessory of the moment. And the jugs, filled at taps in bars and stores, are not just the toys of the bearded, flannel-shirt, beer-geek set. Read full New Your Times article.
Posted On November 16, 2010
It isn’t a common practice, but for many years, a small number of Montana taverns with all-beverage licenses have been filling growlers, just like brewers do. Neither tavern owners nor their patrons have thought much about the practice because the common perception was that all-beverage licenses allow taverns to sell all kinds of liquor, not just beer, for on premises or off premises consumption. And nobody’s ox was being gored; tavern owners, brewers and beer drinkers all seemed to be okay with the practice.
Posted On November 12, 2010
Find out about current brewery related news and issues.
Posted On August 17, 2010
At least one Pacific Northwest industry has escaped the brunt of the recession’s punch: craft beer. We already lay claim to being a hotbed for microbrews and brewpubs, but each of our states stands out in its own way when it comes to producing craft beer. Learn why the number of craft breweries has continued to grow, what sets us apart from the rest of the nation, and what’s in store for our region’s brewers.