Brewery Membership Benefits
- Representation at the Montana State Legislature through MBA lobbyists as well as in the rulemaking process with the Montana Department of Revenue;
- Representation with industry partners to find agreement on policy proposals to increase chances of success at the Legislature;
- Representation with the Brewers Association at the national level through the state guild program;
- Structured opportunities for input in our policy priorities at four face-to-face, all member board meetings a year and Legislative Session planning meetings;
- Opportunity to shape the direction of the MBA with voting rights at the annual Member Meeting and the ability to serve on the Board or committees;
- Personalized brewery member webpage on the MBA website;
- Brewery listed on the Montana Brewers Trail Map, published annually and distributed statewide to breweries, visitor’s centers, businesses, and more;
- Brewery listed on the Montana Brew Crew Card – a fun way to welcome customers into your taproom as they travel the state;
- Exclusive member discounts:
- Use of our legally vetted model Distribution Agreement drawn up by Crowley Fleck, PLLP;
- Participation in 3 Montana Brewers Rendezvous brewfests each year, where thousands of craft beer lovers enjoy local food vendors, local musicians, and celebrate our members’ brews;
- Access to members-only MBA Technical Forum, including free webinars to share information, resources, and tools for brewers;
- Access to member email service and private Facebook group for disseminating news, views, and classifieds in our community;
- Promotion of your brewery’s key events and news from the MBA platform (email database of over 9,500 contacts, over 15,000 followers on Facebook, and more than 3,000 followers on Instagram)
- Share in the connections, good will, and camaraderie of the local Montana brewing community;
- For more information on becoming a Brewery Member, please email [email protected].
Tiered Annual Membership Dues
Brewery in Planning: $250
Up to 500 barrels: $750
501 to 1,000 barrels: $1,000
1,001 to 2,000 barrels: $1,500
2,001 to 10,000 barrels: $2,000
Over 10,001 barrels: $3,000
Associate Membership Benefits
- Link to your business web site from the MBA Website
- Highlighted on MBA website and social media outlets
- Listing in MBA publications
- Access to group e-mail service for disseminating news and business opportunities
- Opportunity to help shape our state’s brewing community
- Share in the good will and camaraderie of the Montana local brewing community
- Dues shall be paid on an annual basis
Retail Associate Membership:
Businesses who sell beer made by Montana breweries to the public, and businesses wanting to lend their support to our organization and the movement of craft beer in the state of Montana.
For example: Taverns, Restaurants, Brewpubs, Off-premise Markets, Distributors, Tourism related businesses, etc.
Allied Trade/Supplier Associate Membership:
Companies that provide products and services to brewers which assist the brewery in producing and selling beer.
For example: Malting Companies, Marketing Companies, Insurance Firms, Law Firms, Glassware companies, etc.