Montana Brewers Association


Show support for Montana breweries with a Brew Crew card!

Posted On April 1, 2011

$25 for 20 Pints of happiness at participating breweries!

Governor Signs “Growler Bill” Into Law

Posted On March 26, 2011

The Governor signed SB203 into law yesterday making clear that it is legal to fill  growlers for off premise consumption at Montana taverns, restaurants, and pubs throughout the state.  SB203, sponsored by Senator Ryan Zinke, R-Whitefish, clarifies an already existing and accepted practice in Montana.  This was challenged last year by the state’s Department of Revenue.  The Department would have made this safe, sensible, environmentally sound practice illegal through rule, which they later withdrew so that the legislature could address the issue.  The Montana Brewers Association asked to have the bill introduced, and the Montana Taverns Association supported the bill.


So when you can’t make it to your local brewery to fill your growler, look for those non-brewery establishments that carry fine craft beer to fill your growler, and make sure it is with Montana made beer (though the law makers didn’t say the type of beer you must buy).   Growlers do have to meet federal standards, and cannot be filled in advance by taverns and pubs.   To see the bill, click here.

Brewers Association Reports Growth

Posted On March 22, 2011

Brewers Association reports 11% volume growth for American craft breweries in 2010

SB 202 Tabled in Committee with a 10-1 vote.

Posted On February 18, 2011

The senate bill to change brewery hours had a good hearing but was tabled in committee. For more information on the hearing click here.

Montana Brewers Association

Montana Brewers Association

P.O. Box 8591

Missoula, MT 59807

406-948-BREW (2739)