Montana Brewers Association

House of Representatives Approves HJ18 62-37 on Second Reading

Posted On April 15, 2013

The Montana House of Representatives approved HJ18, the study resolution of the alcohol code relating to licensing, by a 62-37 vote on second reading. The vote was a strong bi-partisan vote with 32 Republicans and 30 Democrats in favor. Introduced by Rep. Christy Clark (R – Choteau), the study is intended to review issues relating to licensing, with some specific focus on retail licensing by manufacturers (breweries, distilleries and wineries).

Check out the comprehensive results of this vote here, and encourage your local representative to vote yes in third reading on HJ18 tomorrow.

The HJ18 study was introduced by the Montana Brewers Association.Amendments were agreed to with other industry representatives which were adopted previously in the House Business and Labor Committee. HJ18 will have a third reading on Tuesday, and will then proceed to the Senate for a hearing in a committee, presumably the Senate Business, Labor, and Economic Affairs Committee.

As HJ18’s hearing schedule is determined, please keep your eye our for progress updates on the study resolution and specific Senators to contact in support of this much needed resolution.

A huge thanks to all our of patrons and supporters who have taken time to become engaged in this process. Our work here, in many ways, is just beginning, and we appreciate your continued support throughout this process!

Montana Brewers Association

Montana Brewers Association

P.O. Box 8591

Missoula, MT 59807

406-948-BREW (2739)